
Academic background

Education Background

2009-2014 PhD, Economics – University of Yaounde II, Cameroon. Title of Doctoral Thesis: Financial policies, macroeconomic shocks management, and financial deepening. 2015 CEDIMES Prize Nominee among the Best Doctoral Thesis (International Jury of 21 worldwide Professors).

2006-2008 D.E.A. (In-Depth MSc with thesis), Economics (With distinction) – Econometrics and Mathematical Economics. University of Yaoundé II, Cameroon. Thesis title: Credible Monetary Policy and Economic Growth.

2004-2005 MSc, Economics (With distinction) – Money-Banking-Finance. University of Yaounde II (Soa), Cameroon.

2001-2004 BA, Economics – Money-Finance-International economics. University of Dschang, Cameroon.