

Full time

2022 to present: Head of Unit of Publications - the University of Dschang. Responsible for the management of publications of all the 07 establishments linked to the University of Dschang.

2021 to present: Coordinator of Master Program: the University of Dschang - Faculty of Economics & Management. Organizing the Master's Program and reporting to the Dean.

2015 to present: Member of Jury for the following PhD and Master (Professional & research):

1) 29th-November 2021 was a jury member in a Ph.D. defence: entitled “Effets de la globalisation sur les performances économiques et sociales des pays de la Zone franc” defended by Dongmo Tsobjio Franklin at Dschang Doctorate School of Economics.

2) 29th-November 2021 was a jury member in a PhD defense: entitled “ Impact de la qualite des institutions sur la productivite agricole en Afrique Subsaharienne” defended by NGUIMATSIA NGUEUNA Helene at Dschang Doctorate School of Economics.

2021 to present: Vice President of the following Jury and Commission: Doctorate and Professional Bachelor level 2 jury & exam mark expertise.  The University of Dschang - Faculty of Economics & Management (FSEG). Organizing exams and reporting to the Dean

2015 - : Associate Professor - Researcher: the University of Dschang - Faculty of Economics & Management (FSEG). Participating in student enrolment. Organizing and participating in the exam sessions. Assisting in giving lectures and tutorials. Professor of “MICROECONOMICS” (PhD 1), “ADVANCED MONETARY ECONOMICS” (PhD 1), “BANKING CASH MANAGEMENT” (Master 2), “FINANCIAL SERVICES ECONOMICS” (Master 1), “ADVANCED MACRODYNAMIC” (Master 1), “SOCIAL SECURITY ECONOMICS” (Master 1), “ECONOMETRICS” (Master 1), “LABOR MARKET FOR HEALTH PROFESSIONALS” (Master 1), “GAME THEORY” (Master 1), “INTERNATIONAL MONETARY ECONOMICS” (Bachelor 3), “DISEASES DEPENDENCE ECONOMICS” (Bachelor 3), “ECONOMETRICS” (Master 1), “CAPITAL MARKET ECONOMICS” (Bachelor 3) and “DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS” (Bachelor 2). Tutor of “MICROECONOMICS” (Bachelor 1 & 2), “MACROECONOMICS” (Bachelor 1 & 2), “GENERAL ECONOMICS” (Bachelor 1 & 2)  and “STATISTICS” (Bachelor 1 & 2). Organization of exams (from exam subject proposition to correction and mark report/publication). Supervising student research dissertations. Research and publications.


2016 to 2021:  Lecturer-Researcher: ICT University. Giving lectures and tutorials. Professor of “ORGANIZATIONAL LEADERSHIP: DOCTORAL THEORY AND PRACTICE” (PhD),  “STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT” (Master 2 & PhD), “MICROECONOMICS” (Master 1), “ECONOMIC POLICY” (Master 1), “MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS” (MBA & Bachelor 3) and “STATISTICS” (Bachelor 3). Organization of exams (from exam subject proposition to correction and mark report/publication). Supervising student research dissertations. Research and publications.

2010 to present:REMA (Research in Micro-Macro Economics) & the University of Dschang: Assistant Researcher/Lecturer to Full Professor Roger TSAFACK NANFOSSO.

Part time

2010 to present: REMA (Research in Micro-Macro Economics) & the University of Dschang: Assistant Researcher/Lecturer to Full Professor Roger TSAFACK NANFOSSO.

12/2009 to 01/2011 Examiner: Ministry of Higher Education – Cameroon. Ongoing examination control of quality for «Economics» subject during (Higher National Diploma) HND/HPD (Higher Professional Diploma) exams; submission of 04 subjects in “General Economics” for HND/HPD exams.

09/2007 to 01/2015 Monitor  /  Researcher: University of Yaounde II Soa - FSEG / CEREG (Centre for studies and research in Economics and Management).

1. Accomplished scientific funded research project on several economic issues;

2. With the framework of funded / personal research projects I organized and/or participated in several international and national conferences and research Seminars;

3. Giving tutorials (MATHEMATICS; STATISTICS; ECONOMETRICS; MICROECONOMICS; MACROECONOMICS), providing teaching assistance and organising student supervision for levels 1 to 4 students of the FSEG; Organised and coordinated exam and student evaluation.

09/2009 to 09/2021: Lecturer: HEC (Hautes Etudes Commerciales), University of Yaoundé Sud-Ndi Samba and ISSEA (Institut Sous régional de Statistique et d’Economie Appliquée) – Cameroon; Responsibilities: Teaching, Student Counselling and research report supervision.

10/2011: Expert: AFRICAN UNION-Pan African University – Ethiopia. Participation in Pan African University (PAU) stakeholder curriculum validation workshop. Addis Ababa.