
Teaching & Lecture/ Administration Experience


March 15th   2022 (Full time) Discussant - Part of the team of the MOU between "Institut Supérieur de Technologies (IST)" of Gabon and the University of Dschang of Cameroon: In the delivery review of the MOU and discussions about the implementation.

March 15th   2022 (Part-time) Associate Researcher – The University of Clermont Ferrand (CERDI. Contributing to research production through seminars, conferences, publications … etc.

March 25, 2022 (Full time) Visiting Researcher – Department of Economics at KU Leuven (Belgium). Invited by Prof. Johannes Van Biesebroeck for a visit of two months to contribute to the academic activities of the Faculty of Economics

Since 2021 (Full time) Member of the Scientific Committee of the Dschang School of Economics and Management (DSEM). Responsibilities and achievements: Proposition of the selection of MSc and PhD Students.  Organization of training programs and creation of new specialities.

04/2022 to (Full time) Visiting Professor – University of Huelva (Spain). Contributing to the academic activities of the Faculty of Economics (Lecture and research).

March 10th – 13th 2021-2022 Chief in charge of the ISPB sub-centre - Responsible for organising the first-semester normal session exams for the professional undergraduates in the sub-centres of the IPES as the chief of the centre.

01/2022 to 07/2022 Quality Assurance & Reporting Consultant: AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK / Southern Africa Regional Development and Business Delivery Office, (RDGS)- South Africa:

 Provision of the required support to ensure the performance and delivery of the RDGS multinational project portfolio.

 Liaising with sector project task managers at headquarters and in the country/regional offices on issues of project development and management.

 Contributing to the Bank-wide efforts on knowledge generation, dissemination, and utilization, particularly concerning the management of the multinational portfolio.

 Providing regular reporting and analysis on the performance of the project portfolio.

 Verifying the quality of projects before country team meetings;

 Country Team Performance Analysis

 Coordinate CT reviews including Readiness Reviews to ensure quality at entry

 Review of documents before CT to ensure required upstream processes and documents are in place.

 Enhancing the Brief for the D.G. to use to chair the C.T.

 Cross-check the approval process.

 Participating in team meetings, including programming Regional Team meetings to which the Consultant shall provide secretarial services.

Research experience

Since 2021 A member of the Scientific Committee of the Dschang School of Economics and Management. Responsibilities and achievements: Proposition of the selection of MSc and PhD Students.  Organization of training programs and creation of new specialities.

01/2020 to 07/2020  (Full time) Visiting Researcher – The Nordic African Institute (Sweden). Designing, monitoring, managing, leading, coordinating, and supervising a research project; writing policy briefs along with financial, narrative, intermediate and final research reports. Teaching students.

10/2018 to present (Part-time) Secretary-General – Cameroonian Academy of Young Scientists (CAYS). Shall handle all correspondence of CAYS, in consultation with the President; Summon meetings of the CAYS and EC, on the instruction of the President or a request endorsed by the majority (2/3) of members of the CAYS or EC as the case may be; Shall prepare the agenda for such meetings in consultation with the President; Shall keep the minutes of the meetings; Shall present an annual report of CAYS activities.

07/2016 to present (Part-time) Consultant – Center for Affordable Housing Finance (CAHF). Providing Housing Finance Sector country profile updates and input for the Central Africa sub-region countries. Part of the yearly publication on the Housing financial sector in Africa.

02/2016 to 10/2016 (Part-time) Research Editor – United Nations University-Institute for Natural Resources in Africa (UNU-INRA). My main task was to assist in the developmental editing, substantive editing, proofreading, copyediting, copywriting, typesetting, and page layout for print products in support of the publication of final, peer-reviewed UNU-INRA research products.

Research experience

03/2013 to 08/2013 (Part-time) National Consultant: UNECA (United Nations) - ACGSD (African Center for Gender and Social Development) – Cameroon/Ethiopia; Main activities and deliverables: Assisted the program in researching, drafting, and publishing the 2013 Africa Youth Report by:

  In-depth analysis of the job-creating potential of the creative industry in addressing youth unemployment in Africa at national levels; Provided literature review;

  Drafted a country report on creative activities and job creation for youth in Cameroon; participated in the online conference and travelled for internal peer review;

  Collected and compiled the Social Accounting Matrices (SAM) of Cameroon; collected research outputs, data, and statistics related to the creative economy and youth employment from Cameroonian institutions including the Statistics Office, Ministry of Finance, of Youth Affairs;

  Reviewed and reported on national mid-term to long-term youth development policies.

07/2010 to 07/2013 (Part-time) Lead Researcher: Trust Africa / IDRC (International Development Research Centre) – Cameroon / Senegal; (Research Grant under topic: “SMEs and national economic policy: African SMEs and the formal banking sector”). Main duties and successful realization: Designed, monitored, managed, lead, coordinated, and supervised the project; wrote policy brief and financial, narrative, research intermediate, and final reports; designed and organized result dissemination to policymakers via conference; liaised with donors and partner institutions on research program funding issues, budget preparation, submission, and management. Management of a group of researchers.

06/2011 to 05/2012 (Full time) Research Fellow: UNECA (United Nations) – Economic Development and NEPAD Division -Ethiopia; (Office of the Director). Main duties, responsibilities, and successful realization:

  Contribution to all EDND knowledge products such as African Economic Report;

  Training workshop and conference organization (designing, drafting, monitoring...etc.);

  Personal scientific research paper submission, presentation, and dissemination.

02/2009 to 09/2009 (Full time) Professional Intern: Afriland First Bank Recruitment Program - Studies and Development Direction - Cameroon. 08-month practical training in all Commercial bank compartments (Front office, back office) with emphasis on Credit Analyst skill development.

09/2008 to 06/2011 Research Intern: “Part-time” Researcher intern, General Tax Directorate - Cameroon. Access to all compartments to collect data and documents for research purposes.

09/2009 to 06/2011 (Full time) Investigation Coordinator: Cabinet  Vida  Management-Cameroon. Ministry of Higher Education Project on «Etude sur l’identification, la mobilisation et les mécanismes de gestion de la logistique d’appui nécessaire à l’optimisation de la production universitaire au Cameroun». Administered a group of Surveyor and executed investigation for final report input.

Research experience

03/2016 (Part-time) Expert – African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF). Conception, realization and moderation of an exchange platform on economic and financial sector development subjects; production of several policy briefs.

2014 – 2017 (Part-time) Expert evaluator: EUROPEAN UNION. Evaluation of H2020 SMEs creation project. Based on a review of several documents submitted by the potential entrepreneur (Business plans… etc.), providing a score based on whether the European Union decides to finance or not.

03/2015 to 05/2016 (Part-time) Consultant: THE WORLD BANK GROUP. Wrote contributions on the Trade Facilitation/asset diversification/inclusive growth work of the Republic of Congo and other official documents (Research documents, concept notes, methodology …etc.)

06/2014 to 01/2015 (Full time) Research Fellow: THE WORLD BANK GROUP – Washington DC, USA. Main responsibilities: Wrote a research paper on “Housing finance, shared prosperity and poverty reduction” as a background paper for the 2015 Global Financial Development Report;

05/2014 to 11/2014 (Full time) Consultant: AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK (AfDB)/African Natural Resource Centre - Tunisia:

  Data Collection and Analysis. In liaison with other relevant Bank departments, collection of various forms of data about areas of operation of the ANRC;

 Conception and implementation of several ANRC launching programs including several capacity-building programs;

 ANRC Library. Make use of the facilities offered by the Bank’s Resource Centre and the internet, Collects and serialize titles of publications on natural resources as the basis of the ANRC library;

 Conception and draft of the ANRC financial mobilization technics framework document.
02/2013 to 03/2014 Part-time Researcher: AERC (African Economic Research Consortium). Research grant under the theme «Financial Sector Reform and Development in Africa». Cameroon – Kenya.

05/2013 to 11/2013 (Full time) Consultant: AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK / African Development Institute - Tunisia:

  Prepared concept notes, ToR, leaflets, and other supporting material for each activity;

  Drafted, developed, wrote, reviewed, and edited  all  relevant  documentation  for  the  administration and/or training organization; Document translation and proofreading;

  Worked with professional staff in developing concept notes, board information notes, ToR for recruitment of resource persons to deliver specific activity and capacity building;

  Drafted Logical framework, Board information note, concept note, budget and training guide in English and French for “Project Task Manager Academy”, “Governance and Parliamentarian’s” and “Nigeria Technical Cooperation Fund Proposal”.

  Worked on Islamic Finance issue concept notes in Africa and provided data on youth.


2022 to present (Full time) Head of Unit of Publications - the University of Dschang. Responsible for the management of publications of all the 07 establishments linked to the University of Dschang.

2021 to present (Full time) Coordinator of Master Program: the University of Dschang - Faculty of Economics & Management. Organizing the Master's Program and reporting to the Dean.

2015 to present (Full time) Member of Jury for the following PhD and Master (Professional & research):

1) 29th-November 2021 was a jury member in a Ph.D. defence: entitled “Effets de la globalisation sur les performances économiques et sociales des pays de la Zone franc” defended by Dongmo Tsobjio Franklin at Dschang Doctorate School of Economics.

2) 29th-November 2021 was a jury member in a PhD defense: entitled “ Impact de la qualite des institutions sur la productivite agricole en Afrique Subsaharienne” defended by NGUIMATSIA NGUEUNA Helene at Dschang Doctorate School of Economics.

 2021 to present (Full time) Vice President of the following Jury and Commission: Doctorate and Professional Bachelor level 2 jury & exam mark expertise.  The University of Dschang - Faculty of Economics & Management (FSEG). Organizing exams and reporting to the Dean.

2015 to present (Full time) Associate Professor - Researcher: the University of Dschang - Faculty of Economics & Management (FSEG). Participating in student enrolment. Organizing and participating in the exam sessions. Assisting in giving lectures and tutorials. Professor of “MICROECONOMICS” (PhD 1), “ADVANCED MONETARY ECONOMICS” (PhD 1), “BANKING CASH MANAGEMENT” (Master 2), “FINANCIAL SERVICES ECONOMICS” (Master 1), “ADVANCED MACRODYNAMIC” (Master 1), “SOCIAL SECURITY ECONOMICS” (Master 1), “ECONOMETRICS” (Master 1), “LABOR MARKET FOR HEALTH PROFESSIONALS” (Master 1), “GAME THEORY” (Master 1), “INTERNATIONAL MONETARY ECONOMICS” (Bachelor 3), “DISEASES DEPENDENCE ECONOMICS” (Bachelor 3), “ECONOMETRICS” (Master 1), “CAPITAL MARKET ECONOMICS” (Bachelor 3) and “DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS” (Bachelor 2). Tutor of “MICROECONOMICS” (Bachelor 1 & 2), “MACROECONOMICS” (Bachelor 1 & 2), “GENERAL ECONOMICS” (Bachelor 1 & 2)  and “STATISTICS” (Bachelor 1 & 2). Organization of exams (from exam subject proposition to correction and mark report/publication). Supervising student research dissertations. Research and publications.


2016 to present Lecturer-Researcher: ICT University. Giving lectures and tutorials. Professor of “ORGANIZATIONAL LEADERSHIP: DOCTORAL THEORY AND PRACTICE” (PhD),  “STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT” (Master 2 & PhD), “MICROECONOMICS” (Master 1), “ECONOMIC POLICY” (Master 1), “MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS” (MBA & Bachelor 3) and “STATISTICS” (Bachelor 3). Organization of exams (from exam subject proposition to correction and mark report/publication). Supervising student research dissertations. Research and publications.

Teaching experience

2010 to present REMA (Research in Micro-Macro Economics) & the University of Dschang: Assistant Researcher/Lecturer to Full Professor Roger TSAFACK NANFOSSO.

12/2009 to 06/2011 (Part-time) Examiner: Ministry of Higher Education – Cameroon. Ongoing examination control of quality for «Economics» subject during (Higher National Diploma) HND/HPD (Higher Professional Diploma) exams; submission of 04 subjects in “General Economics” for HND/HPD exams.

09/2007 to 01/2015 (Part-time) Monitor  /  Researcher: University of Yaounde II Soa - FSEG / CEREG (Centre for studies and research in Economics and Management).

  Accomplished scientific funded research project on several economic issues;

  With the framework of funded / personal research projects I organized and/or participated in several international and national conferences and research Seminars;

  Giving tutorials (MATHEMATICS; STATISTICS; ECONOMETRICS; MICROECONOMICS; MACROECONOMICS), providing teaching assistance and organising student supervision for levels 1 to 4 students of the FSEG; Organised and coordinated exam and student evaluation.

 09/2009 to present (Part-time) Lecturer: HEC (Hautes Etudes Commerciales), University of Yaoundé Sud-Ndi Samba and ISSEA (Institut Sous régional de Statistique et d’Economie Appliquée) – Cameroon; Responsibilities: Teaching, Student Counselling and research report supervision.

10/2011 (6 days) Expert: AFRICAN UNION-Pan African University – Ethiopia. Participation in Pan African University (PAU) stakeholder curriculum validation workshop. Addis Ababa.