Ph.D thesis, Master dissertation & Tutor supervised
On going Ph.D thesis dissertations
2022-: Ph.D. thesis supervisor of NSAWIR Jude on “Evaluation of procurement strategies on supply chain and Enterprises performance”.
2022-: Ph.D thesis supervisor of KANA SONY Mabelle on «Essays on digital financial services for health in the sub-Saharan region»
2022-: Ph.D thesis supervisor of DJANI FEUZEU Darius Hermann on «Essays on Financial inclusion and Banking System Performance in Africa»
2022-: Ph.D thesis supervisor of NGNIE Hyppolite Malonne on «Analyse de l’optimalité des prélèvements financiers et implication pour le développement au Cameroun »
2022-: Ph.D thesis supervisor of DJEUKEM ZOGNING Lucresse Vanelle on « Four essays on the political economy of international technological transfer in developing countries»
2022-: PH.D thesis supervisor of TCHOMTHE Severin on «Analyse des effets de l’innovation sur l’entrepreneuriat au Cameroun
2022-: PH.D thesis supervisor of KAMGUE Max on «Développement économique local au Cameroun : mécanismes et déterminants»
2022-: Ph.D thesis supervision of NIMPA FOKOUE Armelle Hortense on «Four essays on fintech and market efficiency in Africa»
2021- Ph.D thesis supervision of AWEMU Jonah WAYIH on «Renewable energy consumption, Economic complexity and Sustainable development in Sub-Saharan Africa»
2021- Ph.D thesis supervision of Roland JOEFENDEH on «The impact of remittances on the sustainable development of sub-saharan African countries: The role of private investment.»
Master dissertations supervised
2018-2019: Master dissertation of FOMEKONG ROMARIC title "l'appréciation des risques et des Spécificités A une importation des marchandises" cas de Safomeutex Sarl.
2018-2019:Master dissertation of SAGA DONHEU Michael Verlaine titled «Développement D’une plateforme, de crowd funding Comme alternative de financement des entreprise: Cas De La Mutuel D’epargne Et Des Credits Du Cameroun ( MEC) »
2019-2020:Master dissertation of TCHUET TEKEUTSUET title « Gestion de la trésorerie en flux tendu: CAS D’ENEO CAMEROUN SA »
2019-2020 Master dissertation of NANA NKAMALEUN ULRICH Noelle title «Programme de financement des PME pars les EMF: CAS DE LA RIC(Rural Investment Credit SA) »
2021-2022 Master dissertation of NGEH ZEPHENIA Sanda titled «The impact of professional training on the quality of health services in Cameroon: Case of the Dschang District Hospital”
2022-2023 Master dissertation of LEKANA DEMANOU larissa Joel title “Effet De
L’aquaculture Sur L’atteinte Des Objectifs De
Development Durable: Cas De L’inegalite De Revenus Et De La Pauvrete En
2022-2023: Master dissertation of TINGOLE
ASSANE “Effets De L’insecurite sur la croissance économique”
2022-2023: Master dissertation of BOUBA
BOIGA Garba “Liberalisation du compte de capital et croissance économique en Zone Franc
Africain: Role Des Institutions
2022-2023: Master dissertation of ATANGCHO Yoland NGUM “Analysis Of the default loan recovery process: The case Of mmocul Enterprise”
2022-2023: Master dissertation of ABIGAEL THE BEST Naomie“Financial access and structural transformation Of economies in developing countries”
2022-2023: Master dissertation of MBAITOUBAM Clotaire "Etude des opportunités de développement de l'agro-industrie au Tchad et son potentiel pour stimuler la croissance économique."
2022-2023: Master Dissertation Of ZANJIEU KANA Nelie Brunelle“Effet de la decentralisation fiscale sur l’automisation des femmes en Afrique
Tutor project supervised
Since 2021, designed as an academic supervisor of the realisation of a tutor projects for level 3 professionals in bachelor in finance & accounting and marketing programmes.
Master Supervision
Taking part as a President and Member of the Jury on the Master research defence at the University of Dschang.